Water Lilies for you.

When was the last time you took a big deep belly breath, walked among the flowers and smiled at the warm sunshine?

When did you last build a huge sand castle on the beach?

When was the last time you enjoyed the feel of the grass between your toes?

Do something today that is unexpected and wonderful.

Use your imagination and P-L-A-Y.

Be at peace with yourself and the world around you.


Today I sat in the sun for a brief moment in between running around and doing for others, and it was glorious.

Will you take time and just "be?"

It's so worth it.


What's shakin'?

Hi there! I'm new to this world of weebly.

It's cool to build my own website.

I have a lot of ideas, and maybe even some valuable information to share.

What do YOU think?

About life, love, joy, happiness, peace, giving, abundance, freedom?

What about the journey?

I'm finding that along the way to abundance, I'm meeting my own resistance.

It seems I'm a little bit closer to realizing and actually feeling that I'm so abundant already.

Abundance is so much more than money.

I get that. I just want to own it. Live in an abundant way. Feel abundant. And know in my heart of heart's that there is more than enough for all my needs and most of my wants. That is the journey I'm on right now. 5th of October 2008. It's a good place to be.

Join me?